Bathtime V-Bomb


Our 100mg CBD Vulva Bathbomb has been created to inspire the ritual of a hot bath while connecting with our sacred womb space!

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Our 100mg CBD Vulva Bathbomb has been created to inspire the ritual of a hot bath while connecting with our sacred womb space!

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Our 100mg CBD Vulva Bathbomb has been created to inspire the ritual of a hot bath while connecting with our sacred womb space!

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Enjoy the aromatherapy of the essential oils lavender and vanilla and watch the water glitter with natural mica! Formulated with Hawaiian black lava salt and 100 mg of broad spectrum CBD to ease inflammation and calm the body as you feel your muscles relax. Not only is this a great way to help soothe PMS, but is also a delightful way to nurture yourself, your womb space and cycle. What a wonderful gift!

This is a large 8oz bath bomb.

Create a ritual:
(Ideally you would use the bath bomb anytime in the week before your bleed)

  • Set an intention for this sacred space and time.

  • Draw up a bath, place any items that feel sacred to you in your space (crystals, photos, plants, etc)

  • Get a comforting drink and nourishing snack

  • Light candles and play soothing music

  • Place your Bathtime V-Bomb into your bathwater

  • Mindfully bathe yourself, feel your skin, stretch your muscles and feel your body and the tub as they connect and you are held in the sacred space.

  • Engage all of your senses, notice the sparkle in the water, the smells of the essential oils, the warmth on your skin, hear the soft music playing, taste your nourishing snack.

  • Be mindful. Take long slow deep breaths, breathing into your womb space. Send her gratitude, love and protection.

  • As you drain your bathwater, envision any negativity and pain flowing from you, into the water and away.

  • Take time to recognize that you have showed up for yourself, created sacred space and nurtured yourself with love.

100 Broad spectrum CBD, baking soda, citric acid, black Hawaiian lava salt, cornstarch, avocado oil, SLSA, Polysorbate 80, mica, moonstone and essential oils: vanilla and lavender

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. The product has not been evaluated by the FDA