Our Story


The beautiful vision for this company was made possible by so many strong women. We are built on the foundation of community, from the herbalist behind our tinctures, to our local seamstress for our pads and the artists behind our empowering designs. We source locally and woman-owned as often as we can!


I’m Charish, the owner and founder of
Flow And Flourish


My journey into the world of menstrual and menopause health was one born from my own struggles! I had spent years in undiagnosed pelvic pain. Experiencing daily pain that was having a very negative effect on my life. I spent so much time in and out of doctors offices, running tests and even having exploratory surgery. No one was able to give me answers until, after years of pain, someone recommend me to pelvic physical therapy! That started the catalyst for my passion for holistic womb and vaginal health. I ended up finding out that my issue was musculature and that there were tools available to help me manage and ultimately heal this pain at home and on my own time. I started using our product, The V-Wand and within a few weeks I noticed a significant improvement. I began to fully realize that being connected to my body and to my menstruation, could be a key in my overall health. I made a full switch to a holistic cycle, no longer using tampons or disposable pads. I switched to a menstrual cup and reusable pads. I noticed a difference in my cycle soon after as I had significantly less cramping and lighter bleeds.

I started combing through podcast and websites trying to learn as much as I could. Feeling like I could help assist others in my community and let them know that there are so many more options available than just “Take birth control”. As I listened to these stories, hearing person after person tell me that they were given no options and no answers. That they had been told that severe cramping, heavy bleeding, PMS and terrible menopause symptoms were normal and that this was just something they would need to accept and live with. I couldn’t disagree more.

As I continued down this path I realized just how much shame and stigma was in the world of menstruation and menopause. That those who needed help and needed to know if something was “normal” or not, had minimal access to that information. That things like mucus, blood, mood swings and pain were kept quiet. We are striving to change all of that! By creating access to unashamed, straight forward knowledge and open and honest conversation we can continue the work done by so many brave women who came before.

It has been a privilege and an honor to create this business. So many women have supported me along the way, offered their knowledge, love and encouragement! Its because of the strength of the collective that Flow And Flourish is able exist and bring healing and empowerment to our community!